Friday, October 3, 2008

My 30,000 dollar miracle

I would like to start off with something not to heavy so I will first tell you about my 30,000 dollar miracle!
There was a time in my life back in the mid 90’s when I fought the state of California for almost 3 years for the custody of my children. I fought long and hard and jumped through many hoops (like any parent would) to get them back, even flying down to California once a month (I was living in Oregon at the time) and doing whatever I had to do, well I did regain custody and I thought everything was all good until Cali slapped me with a 30,000 dollar child support bill! That I had to start paying immediately or else they would take my drivers license and with 3 kids under the age of 10 I didn’t know what I was going to do! But none of that didn’t matter I had my kids back with me- and that’s all that mattered. So we scrimped and we went without I remember our one luxury was getting to go to McDonald’s every 2 weeks when I got paid-times were tough! So one day about a year later I am listening to music, cleaning up I get a phone call out of the blue. “Hello is this Mrs.Vining?” “Yes this is she” “Hello Mrs.Vining this is the State of California Dept of Child Support and we were reviewing your file and have decided to wipe your debt clean- Mrs. Vining you should feel very lucky as I have never seen this done, have a wonderful day” Well at the time I was room mating with my cousin and her kids so I run and tell her and the first thing she says is “I wasn’t sure but now I know” and I say what?? She says “You have a hedge around you” and all I could do was smile and say “yep your right” A few of my guardian angels are my grandmother (and you never wanted to mess with her), my dad (crazy as you know what), and my uncle Josh and cousin Adrian they have passed on but I know that they are around me at all times so all I can say is THANK YOU and ALL GLORY TO GOD!


osirisravanz said...

carolyn a very interesting story. I am glad that i came across you. I think that fate has again played a part in your life this day. Im still waiting on my 30,000 dollar miracle.I am glad that the God of your understanding has blessed u so and I hope you receive many more.

Brian Hunt said...

Wow. You were blessed.