Thursday, October 23, 2008

tell your friend shes next

Once upon a time not long ago when people wore pajamas and live life jus kidding this is a sad story but also a time when i knew GOD was always there with me. I have always been on the lets just say "thicker" side and this is one time i know this is exactly the way i was suppossed to be at the time ...One night i was hitchhinking on San Fernando rd in Los Angeles about 3 in the morning on a deserted st when 4 young guys pull up in a van and they immediately see me stop the van and the passenger hops out and one guy from the back hops out and they grab me and try to get me in the van i immediately start kicking and screaming and flailing and jerking my body away so then the third guy get out and starts hitting me and socking me , i guess to try and calm me down so i can get in but i am dtermined in my mind they are NOT getting me in that van conscious they are going to have to knock me out or else I'M NOT GETTING IN! so after 3 of them are all on me, the driver gets agitated and gets out and tries to help at one point i have all four guys on me one holding and grabbing each leg and one on each arm but i refuse to get in and i continue to flail and jerk around tiressleesly and keep in mind at the time i' a good 180 -200 lbs so i'm sure the weight helped me at the time - so anyway after this goes on for about literally 10-15 min they give up because a few cars had passed by and im sure they were getting nervous- so they stop get back in the van and leave me there in the street all beat up but alive! but thats not even the bad part - about 2 weeks later my best friend and road dog at the time (Christina)So my best friend and road dog Christina comes back to the motel room we were renting at the time after being missing for about 3-4 hours and tells me shes just been gang raped by 4 guys in a van and she also tells me as they were driving off they yell “Tell your friend shes next” even though I did believe her and them I do nothing to change my habits and lifestyle and hitchhiking ways in the same area for atleast another 2 years and I NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN – ALL GLORY TO GOD! I know he walks with you even when you can’t walk yourself he carries you – 100% true story

Monday, October 6, 2008

2 black eyes 1 busted lip and Road Rash...Thank you Jesus!

This story is just one of many where i know GOD spared my life and cared whether i lived or died when i didn't.
This was December 1994 in san fernando valley, Ca- all my life consisted of back than was medicating the pain i had inside through drugs and alcohol 24/7.
So this particular night i was walking down San Fernando rd looking, lets just say up to no good (i will elaborate on that on later blogs) so i was walking after being on about a 3 day binge with no sleep-I'm sure i looked like death- walking down the street with a cisco bottle in my hand drinking while i was walking and a car pulls up and asks would i like a ride, so i say sure and hop in.
Now this may sound crazy or even dangerous to most but hitchhiking (my thumb) was my only form of transportation from the age of 14-23 i hitchhiked all around Los Angeles and up and down California so it was nothing to me.
So i hop in with this guy and before i can barely close the car door another guy from the backseat hops up and puts a knife to my neck, while the driver of the car floors it (accelerates).
So the last thing i remember was rolling out the car and hitting the pavement hard!
When i finally come to i was at the nearest hospital with doctors and nurses all around me looking down while pouring ice cold water all on me.
Although as i talked to the homeys from the hood later people say they seen me cold knocked out with my head laying in the street with my feet on the curb-before someone called an ambulance for me.
i didn't have any insurance so the hospital rolled me out in a wheelchair the next day to a waiting cab and told me good luck, all bandaged up with 2 black eyes a fat lip and road rash all up and down the right side of my body ...but the good news is this occurrence sat me down long enough to spend Christmas with my family that year even though i was all beat up.
God knows exactly what he is doing - as we all know that could have turned out ALOT worse!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My 30,000 dollar miracle

I would like to start off with something not to heavy so I will first tell you about my 30,000 dollar miracle!
There was a time in my life back in the mid 90’s when I fought the state of California for almost 3 years for the custody of my children. I fought long and hard and jumped through many hoops (like any parent would) to get them back, even flying down to California once a month (I was living in Oregon at the time) and doing whatever I had to do, well I did regain custody and I thought everything was all good until Cali slapped me with a 30,000 dollar child support bill! That I had to start paying immediately or else they would take my drivers license and with 3 kids under the age of 10 I didn’t know what I was going to do! But none of that didn’t matter I had my kids back with me- and that’s all that mattered. So we scrimped and we went without I remember our one luxury was getting to go to McDonald’s every 2 weeks when I got paid-times were tough! So one day about a year later I am listening to music, cleaning up I get a phone call out of the blue. “Hello is this Mrs.Vining?” “Yes this is she” “Hello Mrs.Vining this is the State of California Dept of Child Support and we were reviewing your file and have decided to wipe your debt clean- Mrs. Vining you should feel very lucky as I have never seen this done, have a wonderful day” Well at the time I was room mating with my cousin and her kids so I run and tell her and the first thing she says is “I wasn’t sure but now I know” and I say what?? She says “You have a hedge around you” and all I could do was smile and say “yep your right” A few of my guardian angels are my grandmother (and you never wanted to mess with her), my dad (crazy as you know what), and my uncle Josh and cousin Adrian they have passed on but I know that they are around me at all times so all I can say is THANK YOU and ALL GLORY TO GOD!